Thursday, October 9, 2008

Post It Poems

As promised, every so often I hope to include a tiny poem, a haiku or just a few (hopefully) well chosen words of prose. I love to write poems but I usually find my poetry improves when I edit out 50-80%.

A fan of brevity, I hope this exercise in "Post It Poems" will improve my writing. Many of these little poems may resemble Haiku but the syllable count is in English. Also, they are not proper haiku, as they deal with a diversity of subjects which are not appropriate if one wants to be true to the form.

Today's "Post It Poem" complements the subject of my last post and my current situation, regarding health care in the United States.

It's not personal
Unbridled apathy funds
Freedom on its March

1 comment:

Lene Andersen said...

I love this one, I really do. Succinct, to the point, Truth in every syllable.