Thursday, April 2, 2009

Coming Home in the Evening

Every evening the same 
fever and bone deep weariness
accompany me home.

Once home my collie
and nature succeed
in luring me out

Tonight in the murky woods
there's a wet, warm fog
wrapping us in mute mist

Do you hear the fog I whisper,
the dog tilts her head but
offers no reply

The fog pulses
reminiscent of some benign
and distant delirium

Do you feel that I ask the air,
and with a grin answer to the dog
The fog has throbbed away my pain.

Home in bed I do not sleep,
I sit alone, smiling
into the darkness.


Anonymous said...

I love it: smiling in the darkness.Sara Morgan

Mary Turner said...

Thanks Sara

LynnM said...

Fuzz hears, I'm sure.

Lene Andersen said...

That's just lovely. Wish I'd been there.

(as they're promising snow and -8 early next week, I really wish I'd been there)